Saturday, August 11, 2012

Press Release: Enthusiastic Support for the Romney-Ryan Ticket

Wausau, WI – Just before midnight, we got the news that Governor Romney’s VP choice would be announced
on Saturday morning. Just after midnight, the choice was announced by the press: Congressman Paul Ryan of
Wisconsin. We enthusiastically support this choice for many reasons.

1. Congressman Ryan has served with distinction, winning seven straight two-year terms in Wisconsin’s
1st congressional district.
2. At age 42, Ryan is highly accomplished and has a long, bright future of service to the country.
3. Nobody understands the nation’s financial situation better than Paul Ryan.
4. Congressman Ryan has courageously put bold federal initiatives on the table to right the ship fiscally.
As chairman of the Budget Committee, he has laid out detailed plans to reduce our debt. This has
come at the cost of becoming a target for Democrats who unthinkably have not attempted to pass a
budget in three years. He is the grown up in the room.
5. Who can forget how Congressman Ryan ran circles around President Obama in the roundtable
discussion over healthcare reform?
6. This VP choice shows the confidence of Governor Romney to elevate the brightest, most articulate
public servants.
7. This VP choice shows that the GOP is going hard after the State of Wisconsin, with the expectation of
turning it red in the presidential race. This is a vote of confidence for every county party that has worked
for the Republican resurgence.

As the recipient of the 2012 Top County Award at the Wisconsin GOP Convention, the Republican Party of
Marathon County accepts the challenge of bringing Wisconsin home for the Romney-Ryan ticket! Our
machinery is well-oiled and we are ready to roll up our sleeves for the home stretch to the November 6 General
Election! We have seen ugly, malicious, untrue personal attacks on Governor Romney and Congressman
Ryan. The RPMC will stand steadfast with these men and their families as we stick our heel in the ground and
turn this country around.

Read the full formatted press release here.