A Penny Saved – will balance the budget
Dear Concerned American,
One penny out of every dollar. That’s all that needs to be cut from our bloated federal government each year for the next seven years to balance the budget.
Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? I know. That’s what I thought when I first heard about the Penny Plan.
But believe me, its true.
The only reason it is so unbelievable is because the Washington DC establishment politicians and their accessories in the mainstream media use what I like to call “Washington fuzzy math.”
Let me explain: If you or I didn’t do anything to our spending over the next 10 years, we’d still be spending the same amount in 10 years. That’s just basic common sense.
But we all know Washington doesn’t have any common sense.
If nothing happens in Washington spending over the next ten years will AUTOMATICALLY GO UP TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS, and we will add at least 7 trillion more dollars to our national debt.
But I have a plan to stop that. And best of all, its so simple a Washington politician or journalist could even understand it.
To balance our budget, all we need to do is freeze federal spending today, then cut one percent of the budget each year for the next 7 years.
One penny out of every dollar. That’s all.
But the impact would be huge. You see, it would balance the budget because it is a series of small, but REAL cuts.
Not cuts off some fictional, bloated Congressional baseline. No more gimmicks. No more Washington fuzzy math that assumes every wasteful program must grow every year.
This plan can succeed. It has been gaining more and more attention as our debt problems worse.
Outlets like Fox News, Sean Hannity and Newsmax have written about it.
But the mainstream media and Congress would prefer this sensible plan to balance out budgets simply go away.
That’s where you come in.
To make this plan a reality – to finally balance our budget – I’ll need your immediate help.
That’s why I’m asking you to send a Penny Petition to Washington TODAY. You can click here to sign the Petition.
The Penny plain is being hailed by both conservatives and honest liberal alike as “simple and creative.” I can’t take credit for coming up with the idea – it was originally introduced by Congressman Connie Mack in the House.
But I am sure going to do all I can to move his idea forward.
As someone who came from the Tea Party movement to first be elected to the U.S. Senate in 2010, I think I have a good idea about what has people so mad at the Washington DC establishment.
They spend too much. They refuse to get serious about our debt. And they try to keep simple, clear, common sense plans like the Penny Plan under wraps.
You and I have to take them on, right here, right now.
So I hope you’ll support the Penny Plan Petition, and project of my RAND PAC leadership PAC. This drive will help focus NATIONWIDE attention on the Penny Plan at this crucial time in our fight against out of control debt and spending.
Before I’m done today though, let me tell you a few more important facts about the Penny Plan:* The Penny Plan allows Congress each year to decide which one percent to cut unless they fail to act. Then, one percent of EVERY program is cut, automatically, by law. No exceptions, no waivers, no escape clause.
* The Penny Plan limits spending to 18% of GDP after the 7 years. That number is important because it is the historic revenues levels of the last 40 years. That means the Penny Plan will ensure our budget STAYS balanced.
* The Penny Plan turns the liberals arguments inside out. It is easy to explain – how can anyone possibly be against balancing our budget if all it means is we cut ONE PENNY out of every dollar each year?
So please, join us in our PENNY PETITION DRIVE today. Agree to sign yours and have it sent on your behalf to Congress today.
And if possible, agree to support this vital program by sending a contribution to RANDPAC today, so we may contact millions of Americans to rally candidates and elected officials to this cause.
It is my goal to help RANDPAC make the PENNY PETITION something every single candidate for federal office MUST sign.
But to do that, I’ll need the overwhelming support of Americans like you.
So please, click HERE to support the Penny Plan today.
In Liberty.
Rand Paul MD
U.S. SenatorPS: The Penny Plan is so simple, even Washington politicians should be able to understand it! One percent cuts in spending each year for 7 years to balance the budget. That’s all.
Does anyone believe we can’t find ONE PERCENT a year to cut?
We can, and we must. So please, give your support to RANDPAC and the PENNY PLAN PETITION today!
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