Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Press Release: Debate Response: Governor Romney is Ready for Commander-in-Chief Role

Debate Response: Governor Romney is Ready for Commander-in-Chief Role

October 23, 2012
Contact: Evan Nehring, 920-710-0899 or rpmc.wi.pr@gmail.com

Wausau, WI – Monday night marked the end of the presidential debate season. Governor Mitt Romney stood
toe to toe with the President and made an effective case for change. We believe he won this foreign policy
debate for these reasons.

1. He carried himself with presidential bearing, elevating him to equal status with the commander-in-chief.
2. His broad guiding principles for foreign policy were compelling.
3. His indictment of the President's Mideast policy was based on obvious regional "tumult" and was
4. He showed how trending US economic weakness lessens our global influence and national security.
5. He cast an inspiring vision of an enduring freedom in America as the beacon to freedom seekers
around the world.

Now the push to Election Day accelerates as voters take the last two weeks to persuade undecided friends
and to prepare for the November 6th results. Governor Romney has done so much more than motivate the
base of the Republican Party. We are thrilled with the future he has represented in these debates! However, he has also made his case for Americans of all party backgrounds to embrace the hopeful prospects for these
United States under the leadership of President Mitt Romney.

Read the full formatted press release here.

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